“Allah said: ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’” [ Sahih Bukhari ]
HQ No. 3 Ilmi Avenue, Minna 920101, Nigeria.

Tribute to


Sheikh Ahmed Lemu

We sit beneath a tree of reflection
Enveloped by the fragrance of vibrant,
Thriving flowers decades of works, still growing
Many planted when we were unborn
Many watered and tended
Before our witnessing gaze
So much to see,
So much to gained
So much to be inspired by

We take seeds and cuttings
To start new gardens
And pray
O Allah, accept our deeds
And safeguard our intention
O Allah, envelop in the fregrance
Of your mercy and of paradise
Our father
Sheikh Ahmed Lemu

Nuruddeen Lemu

1929 - 2020



They say a picture is worth a thousand words.