“Allah said: ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’” [ Sahih Bukhari ]
HQ No. 3 Ilmi Avenue, Minna 920101, Nigeria.


Surah Al-Baqara Verse 177

It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces towards East or West; but it is righteousness to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity, to fulfill the contracts which we have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God fearing (Quran 2:177)..

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About the

Welfare Department

The Human Welfare Department of the Islamic Education Trust was established in 1969 to handle all forms of humanitarian activities of the organisation. Over the last five decades, we have been able to address varying social and economic challenges facing widows, orphans, reverts, stranded travellers, internally displaced persons etc. Our humanitarian assistance is being rendered to all eligible persons irrespective of their faith.

Beneficiary Demography!

We provide support for more than +1,429 people.






Physically Challenged




Monthly Financial Aid
Monthly Financial Aid
138 People
Orphan Scholarship
Orphan Scholarship
130 Beneficiaries
Weekly Charity Visits
Weekly Charity Visits
429 Persons

Special Needs Assistance

3 Persons

Ramadan Food Aid

729 Beneficiaries
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During the Covid-19 Pandemic

During the peak of covid-19 pandemic, over 600 destitute families were assisted with cash and food items to alleviate the economic hardship brought by the pandemic.
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New Release

Ramadan Food Aid Distribution 2021

Total Impact 729 Persons

The Needy
Physically challenged
Human Welfare Department

Aisha Lemu Learning Initiative (ALLI)

Almajiri Literacy and Numeracy Skills Acquisition Project

Our orphan scholarship programme is designed to address the educational needs of the orphans and improve their lives in a way that respects and preserves their God-given potentials and help them develop into responsible adults.
Many women in northern Nigeria do not work and the financial responsibility of the family usually rest on the husband. Upon the unfortunate demise of such family breadwinner, the financial burden of the family shifts to the woman. With meagre earnings from occasional menial jobs, many of such women suffer in silence. The department receives a minimum of 70 applications monthly from widows for various forms of assistance ranging from feeding, medical, rent, education etc., for their children. In a bid to reduce their hardship, we have a suitable scheme where these widows are given soft, interest-free loans from a revolving fund to carry out petty trading to help them take care of the orphans and other dependents left under their care. We also embark on periodic visits to the homes and business points of these widows to asses and provide further guidance towards the success of their chosen endeavour. A minimum of N5,000 is given to each of these widows to help them start up petty trading in order to become self-reliant. With more funding, the department would be able to confidently raise the amount given as loan and much more lives can be positively touched.
We set aside a minimum of N130,000 monthly for disbursement to the needy. No fewer than 70 applicants approach the department on monthly basis for various needs ranging from feeding, transport, school fees, and other forms of daily humanitarian needs. Our team takes time to investigate the genuineness or otherwise of the case brought before it and recommend appropriate actions. Those genuine get at least N5,000 ($10).
The Ajami project was designed to change the paradigm through equipping the almajir is with necessary skills that could improve their livelihood. The programmes objective is to “Develop a culturally and religiously sensitive educational program that can rapidly enhance the potential and capacity of Almajiri youth for vocational career.” The project involves training them in basic literacy and Numeracy skills and also improve their recitation of the Glorious Qur'an with Tajweed. It also involves vocational skill exposure to be carried out by experts in the relevant areas. In the last project, 50 Almajiri students (15-25 of age) were carefully selected from 9 Tsangaya schools in Minna-Niger state. With more funding this project can be extended to all part of the country with similar challenges.

One of our outstanding activities is the termly orphan's week where these orphans get to interact with one another as well as with us. The initiative has always boosted the social, moral and critical thinking disposition of the youngsters. The activities include  competitions, riddles, games, art work etc. A minimum of N10,000,000 (Ten Million Naira) is spent annually to keep these 100young and ambitious children in their respective schools.

We attend to the need of individuals and groups in cases of emergencies. Vulnerable persons are identified and assisted as feasible. During the peak of covid-19 pandemic, over 600 destitute families were assisted with cash and food items to alleviate the economic hardship brought by the pandemic. Similarly, the over 2500 Internally Displaced Persons (IDP's) of Shiroro Local Government Are of Niger State were assisted. Food items, kitchen, playground, firewood and other forms of humanitarian assistance were provided at the Gwada and Kuta IDP camps in Niger State to alleviate the suffering of the IDP's.
In the spirit of eco consciousness and environmental preservation, we introduced the tree planting programme. For high chances of survival, saplings are planted into well dug holes with right quantity of manure to enhance growth. The trees are usually planted at eid  grounds, road sides, schools Juma’at mosques, etc. between June and July annually which are considered best period for tree planting in Northern Nigeria. During the rainy season of the year 2020, 0ver 250 saplings were planted on the eid ground, IET sports Field, Aisha Lemu park at the 3- arm zone as well as along Mu'azu Muhammad Road, Minna.
During the eid el-Kabir celebration, we identify the most vulnerable among the populace to benefit from the annual eid el-Kabir meat (Qurbani) distribution. This is done during the 3 days of Eid al Adha where one cow is shared to 25 families. About 400 Families benefited from our 2020 eid el Kabir meat distribution which was successfully implemented with the support of Darul Amin Foundation, Abuja.
Orphanage, Hospital, Correctional Centres, Remand Home.
We carry out weekly humanitarian visits to orphanage home, hospitals, correctional centres as well as remand home, in Minna. Assorted items are bought and distributed to the inmates, orphans and patients of these facilities. Stories and other relevant lessons are shared with orphans of the orphanage home. Prayers and counselling services are offered to the patients at the hospital and inmates of the remand home/correctional centres. To give them sense of belonging during festivities, sallah parties are organized for the orphans of the orphanage home during both the eid el-fitri and eid al-adha festivals. This helps the kids to have a memorable celebration and have fun. The inmates of the remand home also benefit from the 2 festivities as similar parties are organized for them.
To fulfil other mandates of its creation, we have established and maintained a retainership with a nearby well-equipped private hospital where indigent patients are treated of minor illnesses such as malaria, typhoid, diarrhoea, etc. at the expense of the department. A minimum of 10 patients, who cannot afford the cost, are treated at the clinic monthly. Our effort by Allah's will has allayed the medical predicament of hundreds of indigent patients. We have spent over N400,000 in respect of an individual and have been paying medical bills of many others with serious cases such as diabetes for more than eight years as at 2020. We also organize special medical outreach to commemorate special events of the organisation.
Each year Ramadan Visits avails us the opportunity to share with those in dire need of basic necessities of life. Assorted food items and brought, packaged and distributed to the identified needy. During the 1441H (2020) Ramadan fasting, the department supported over 350 families with food items. The identified families have an average of 7 members. A significant percent of the balnearies of Ramadan Food Aid are widows with children to take care for.
Human Welfare Department

Meet our Amazing Team

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Head of Welfare Department
Aliyu Magaji
Head of Welfare Department

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Welfare Officer
Rukkayya Musa Kinta
Welfare Officer

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No. 3 Ilmi Avenue, PMB 229, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
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    When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him (for the deceased).
    [Sahih Muslim – Book 13 – Hadith 4005]

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